“Dota 2 Update 7.35d: Hero Ban Adjustments and Crownfall Delay”

The release of Dota 2 update 7.35d brings notable adjustments to hero bans and matchmaking, eliciting mixed reactions from the community. Although fans anticipated the much-anticipated Crownfall patch to drop this week, it has been postponed until mid-April, disappointing many.
Dota 2 update 7.35d
In the latest patch notes, hero bans in various modes, including All Pick, have been replaced with a ban pool system where players can select four heroes to potentially ban from each match. This alteration aims to address the prevalence of cheats in Dota 2, which exploit players’ most played heroes. By eliminating bans in common modes, the update aims to level the playing field and assist players with smaller hero pools.
Another significant addition is the introduction of a Dota Labs feature, providing insight into the matchmaking algorithm’s considerations. Players can now view factors such as skill range, server ping, and behavior scores before accepting a match. This transparency allows players to decline matches if they deem the conditions unfavorable, without incurring penalties.
Despite these changes, the 7.35d update includes several balance adjustments, tweaking heroes and items to refresh the gameplay experience. Notable changes include nerfs to dominant heroes like Chen and buffs to others. While these adjustments may not be as extensive as some hoped, they aim to diversify gameplay until the next major patch.
Additionally, item modifications are present in the patch, with the Divine Rapier undergoing a significant alteration, providing a base +100 damage and introducing a toggleable ability for additional damage or spell amplification.
However, the most contentious aspect of the update is Valve’s announcement regarding the delay of the Crownfall update until mid-April. Many fans anticipated this update to arrive imminently, along with the introduction of the new hero, Ringmaster. Despite the disappointment, the announcement provides clarity and dispels community speculation regarding the update’s release timeline.
In conclusion, while the 7.35d update brings significant changes to hero bans and matchmaking transparency, the postponement of the Crownfall update leaves fans eagerly awaiting its arrival in mid-April.